Hi, Gabor: <in line>
Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
MiKTeX automatically downloads additional required packages
that your *.tex files use.  Something is wrong with your installation
if it did not try to do that automatically for you.

Although the following should not be necessary, if you do
want to download and install additional MiKTeX packages
yourself without a massive download just invoke the
MiKTeX package manager by entering at the Windows
command line:


or, if you don't have MiKTeX on your path you can run


where rtools.bat, which is from http://batchfiles.googlecode.com ,
will temporarily add MiKTeX to your path so that you can run mpm
and other MiKTeX tools.
Thanks. What should I have done to obtain the information you just provided? When 'pdflatex wrapper.tex' failed for me, I tried several things, including consulting my local Info Tech wizards. What you suggest sounds reasonable, except that my attempts to find information like that failed.
     Thanks again,

On Sun, Nov 9, 2008 at 11:41 AM, Spencer Graves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi, Gabor, et al.:
    Could you also please ensure 'plflatex wrapper.tex' work with whatever
MikTeX installation you include, for 'wrapper.tex' mentioned in the
"Submissions" instructions for R News?
    This bombed for me when I tried it recently, because I was missing
multiple LaTeX packages:  When I found one, it asked for another that I
couldn't easily find.  So I did a maximal install of the latest version of
MiKTeX.  That involved downloading more that a gigabyte of stuff, then
cleaning space on my hard drive so I could actually install it.  The whole
process took several days, in between my other work.  It would help if it
were all part of the standard install.
Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
I came across this program to locate MiKTeX file:


If the exe of this were included with R then it seems it might
provide a reliable way to locate MiKTeX which we don't currently have
since AFAIK there is no adequate registry key for MiKTeX.
Since its a tiny program it would not substantially affect the
R download.

(There is also a perl version of the same program there although
it relies on certain perl packages which would also have to be
present complicating things.)

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