On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 06:36:38PM -0400, Simon Urbanek wrote:

> It was fairly straight-forward to build R (like any other cross- 
> compilation). The tricky part is to install packages (if you are truly  
> cross-compiling on another architecture) which I solved by using multi- 
> arch R (which contains both arm and the host architecture) and cross- 
> compiling only the binaries (i.e. only packages with native code).  

Simon, could you provide any links to more detailed info on how you
did that, please?  E.g., how did you detect whether a package contains
binaries (native code) or not?  What exactly is a multi-arch R and how
did you build it?

I often need to build R packages for both x86 32 and 64 bit.
Currently, I build both R and all the packages twice in two entirely
separate directory trees, which is both annoying, and overkill for all
the R-code-only packages.  It sounds like you know a better way...

Andrew Piskorski <a...@piskorski.com>

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