I have hit a problem with the design of the mcmc package I can't
figure out, possibly because I don't really understand the R function
call mechanism.  The function metrop in the mcmc package has a ... argument
that it passes to one or two user-supplied functions, which are other
arguments to metrop.  When the two functions don't have the same arguments,
this doesn't work.  Here's an example.



 n <- 100
 rho <- 0.5
 beta0 <- 0.25
 beta1 <- 0.5
 beta2 <- 1
 beta3 <- 1.5

 Sigma <- matrix(rho, 3, 3)
 diag(Sigma) <- 1
 Sigma <- 0.75 * Sigma
 Mu <- rep(0, 3)

 foo <- mvrnorm(n, Mu, Sigma)

 x1 <- foo[ , 1]
 x2 <- foo[ , 2]
 x3 <- foo[ , 3]

 modmat <- cbind(1, foo)

 eta <- beta0 + beta1 * x1 + beta2 * x2 + beta3 * x3
 p <- 1 / (1 + exp(- eta))
 y <- as.numeric(runif(n) < p)

 out <- glm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, family = binomial())

 ### now we want to do a Bayesian analysis of the model, so we write
 ### a function that evaluates the log unnormalized density of the
 ### Markov chain we want to run (log likelihood + log prior)

 ludfun <- function(beta) {
     stopifnot(length(beta) == ncol(modmat))
     eta <- as.numeric(modmat %*% beta)
     logp <- ifelse(eta < 0, eta - log1p(exp(eta)), - log1p(exp(- eta)))
     logq <- ifelse(eta < 0, - log1p(exp(eta)), - eta - log1p(exp(- eta)))
     logl <- sum(logp[y == 1]) + sum(logq[y == 0])
     val <- logl - sum(beta^2) / 2

 beta.initial <- as.vector(out$coefficients)

 out <- metrop(ludfun, initial = beta.initial, nbatch = 20,
     blen = 10, nspac = 5, scale = 0.56789)

 ### Works fine.  Here are the Monte Carlo estimates of the posterior
 ### means for each parameter with Monte Carlo standard errors.

 apply(out$batch, 2, mean)
 sqrt(apply(out$batch, 2, function(x) initseq(x)$var.con) / out$nbatch)

 ### Now suppose I want Monte Carlo estimates of some function of
 ### the parameters other than the identity function.  I write a function
 ### outfun that does that.  Also suppose I want some extra arguments
 ### to outfun.  This example is a bit forced, but I hit on natural
 ### examples with a new function (not yet released) that works like
 ### metrop but does simulated tempering.

 outfun <- function(beta, degree) {
     stopifnot(length(beta) == ncol(modmat))
     stopifnot(length(degree) == 1)
     stopifnot(degree == as.integer(degree))
     stopifnot(length(degree) > 0)
     result <- NULL
     for (i in 1:degree)
         result <- c(result, beta^i)

 out <- metrop(out, outfun = outfun, degree = 2)

 ### Oops!  Try it and you get
 ### Error in obj(state, ...) : unused argument(s) (degree = 2)

I don't understand what the problem is (mostly because of ignorance).  Because

 foo <- function(x, ...) x
 foo(x = 2, y = 3)

does work.  The error is happening when ludfun is called, and I assume
the complaint is that it doesn't have an argument "degree", but then
why doesn't the simple example just above fail?  So clearly I don't
understand what's going on.

An obvious solution is to ignore ... and just use global variables, i. e.,
define degree <- 2 in the global environment and make the signature of
outfun function(beta).  That does work.  But I don't want to have to
explain this issue on the help pages if I can actually fix the problem.

I have no idea whether one needs to look at the source code for the
mcmc package to diagnose the issue.  If one does, it's on CRAN.

Charles Geyer
Professor, School of Statistics
University of Minnesota

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