Dear R Developers,

I am writing a function that would save all objects in all environments 
'visible' from the point where the function is called (very much like 
save.image, but kind of saving the entire stack).

I figured that the call
lapply (seq(0, sys.nframe()), function(i) ls(sys.frame(i), all.names=T))
will list all such objects.

However not all of them seem to be visible, see a session transcript below

## create a simple function with a 'breakpoint'
> f <- function(x) { browser() }
## call f in lapply inside an anonymous function defined on the fly
> (function(d) lapply('a', f))('d')
Called from: FUN("a"[[1L]], ...)
## Examine all frames
Browse[1]> lapply(seq(0, sys.nframe()), function(i) ls(sys.frame(i), 
[1] "f"

[1] "d"

[1] "..." "FUN" "X"

[1] "x"

## try to get d, which is in the second entry on the list
Browse[1]> d
Error: object 'd' not found

Why 'd' is not found?

Did anyone try to write a function that, loosely speaking, saves the entire 


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