What makes you think this is a bug in R?

Whenever I try changing a function, it keeps coming up with the same error

I have the function
CN_state_log_sum=function(Tot_log_sum){ #estimate copy number state for the log

When I try to run it in the loop:
for (j in 1:length(BB_mean_ref)){ # find copy number states (0 for homozygous deletion, 1 for hemizygous deletion, 2 for neutral, 3 for single amplification,
4 for multiple amplification)
I get the error message:
Error in Im(Tot_sum_log) != 0 || Re(Tot_sum_log) <- 2 :
 could not find function "||<-"

The error message indicates that the problem happens in the function CN_state_sum_log() rather than CN_state_log_sum(), so it's hardly surprising that changing the latter doesn't have any effect.

My guess: you've go a condition (Re(Tot_sum_log)<-2), which is mistaken for the assignment operator "<-" by the R parser. Adding some whitespace (Re(Tot_sum_log) < -2) should help both R and human readers to make sense of it.


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