I frequently run scripts that generate multiple graphs.  Unless you specify a 
specific window location, dev.new superimposes all new graphics windows exactly 
on top of each other.  It would be nice to have a "cascade=TRUE" option in 
dev.new to prevent windows from being hidden.  A hasty approximation to this is 
the following function:

# utility function to prevent overlapping plot windows
cascade <- function( k=dev.cur(),x0=300,y0=50,dx=30,dy=30){ 
  dev.new( xpos=x0+k*dx, ypos=y0+k*dy); 
  invisible() }

x <- seq(-10,10,.1); y <- sin(x)
plot(x,y,type='l',main='first plot')
plot(x,y,type='l',main='second plot')

John Nolan
Math/Stat Dept.
American University


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