Guillaume Yziquel wrote:
Laurent Gautier a écrit :

It does not have to be a functional language.
To see it in use within a some-language-to-R bridge, you can check the
source in JRI, rpy2.
I can mostly speak for rpy2, and the way it is done there relies on both R and Python's GC. Creating a anonymous R object presented to the Python world is first "R_preserved" (from garbage collection from R) then using Python's reference counting mechanism, calling an "R_Release" whenever the Python wrapper is available for garbage collection (in fact there is a twist, but this is roughly the way it is working). In your case, you'll use the OCaml GC system (and "R_release" the R object when its OCaml representation is going for garbage collection).

For now, garbage collection is a secondary issue.

I would have been interested in a binding to a functional language to see exactly where you get a closure to closure mapping. That's why I was asking since that's what I'm foremost interested in.

By low-level, I mean a binding that takes hold of R objects without using symbols all over to reference them. (Using symbols in the
formals, the body or the environment of a closure is fine, for
instance, but I'd like to execute a closure directly, and eventually
be able to construct R closure from OCaml functions).

Rpy2 can do a lot of that, and probably so can JRI.

An anonymous closure to anonymous closure mapping? Could you point out where this is done exactly?

Anonymous R objects, that is without an associated symbol in R, can be passed to functions (and in that way makes a binding "take hold of R objects without using symbols"). For example, building R code made of anonymous objects can be achieved by making a LANGSXP object and tweaking it.

Example in R itself:
> x <- call("round", 2.3)
> eval(x)
[1] 2
> x[[1]] <- function(x) x^2
> eval(x)
[1] 5.29

Getting more complex constructs may need a little more trickery.

...or do you mean something else ?


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