I've attached a script I wrote that pulls all the setGeneric definitions
out of a set of R files and puts them in a separate file, default
allGenerics.R.  I thought it might help others who find themselves in a
similar situation.

The "situation" was that I had to change the order in which files in my
package were parsed; the scheme in which the generic definition is in
the "first" file that has the corresponding setMethod breaks under
re-ordering.  So I pulled out all the definitions and put them first.

In retrospect, it is clearly preferable to create allGenerics.py from
the start.  If you didn't, and discover you should have, the script
automates the conversion.

Thanks to everyone who helped me with my packaging problems.  The
package finally made it to CRAN as
http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/mspath/index.html.  I'll send a
public notice of that to the general R list.

Ross Boylan
R-devel@r-project.org mailing list

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