
You'll need something like :

PKG_LIBS=-lgsl -lgslcblas

in your Makevars.

This is from package gsl (on CRAN). Or maybe you can just depend on the gsl package and let it worry about finding where gsl is, etc ...


On 01/22/2010 10:59 AM, pleyd...@supagro.inra.fr wrote:

I have been working on an R package that calls C code using .C(). I recently
started including some functions from the GNU Scientific Library in my code.
The code runs fine on my machine when not wrapped in the package. But I get the
following error from "R CMD check"

* checking whether the package can be loaded ... ERROR
Loading required package: splancs
Loading required package: sp

Spatial Point Pattern Analysis Code in S-Plus

  Version 2 - Spatial and Space-Time analysis
Loading required package: ellipse
Loading required package: mvtnorm
Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) :
   unable to load shared library

undefined symbol: gsl_multimin_fminimizer_nmsimplex
Error in library(sharka) : .First.lib failed for 'sharka'
Execution halted

Clearly there is some difficulty linking up with

I noticed the QRMlib library also includes gsl functions. In that package they
include a src/gsl directory with the required .h files and in Makevars they
have "PKG_CFLAGS = -I./gsl". I have copied this approach, but wonder if using
the standard

"R CMD build myPackage"
"R CMD check myPackage"

needs modifying in some way?

All hints or ideas welcome.

Romain Francois
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