On 02/11/2010 10:08 AM, Romain Francois wrote:


I've been trying to make LinkingTo work when the package linked to has
c++ code.

I've put dumb packages to illustrate this emails here ;

Package A defines this C++ class:

class A {
A() ;
~A() ;
SEXP hello() ;
} ;

Package B has this function :

SEXP say_hello(){
A a ;
return a.hello() ;

headers of package A are copied into inst/include so that package B can

LinkingTo: A

in its DESCRIPTION file.

Also, package B has the R function ;

g <- function(){
.Call("say_hello", PACKAGE = "B")

With this I can compile A and B, but then I get :

$ Rscript -e "B::g()"
Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) :
unable to load shared library '/usr/local/lib/R/library/B/libs/B.so':
/usr/local/lib/R/library/B/libs/B.so: undefined symbol: _ZN1AD1Ev
Calls: :: ... tryCatch -> tryCatchList -> tryCatchOne -> <Anonymous>

If I then add a Makevars in B with this :

# find the root directory where A is installed
ADIR=$(shell $(R_HOME)/bin/Rscript -e "cat(system.file(package='A'))" )


Then it works:

$ Rscript -e "B::g()"
[1] "hello"

So it appears that adding the -I flag, which is what LinkingTo does is
not enough when the package "linking from" (B) actually has to link to
the "linked to" package (A).

I've been looking at
but it seems only applicable to c(++) functions and not classes ...

What am I missing ? Should/can linkingto be extended in a way that
accomodates c++


One other way of course would be to have some lib support, so that for example an R library holds not only R packages but shared libraries.

So for example, if as part of package A's Makevars, I copy its A.so into R.home( component = "lib" ) and rename it libA.so :

RLIBDIR=$(shell $(R_HOME)/bin/Rscript -e "cat(R.home(component='lib'))" )

all: $(SHLIB) install

        cp $(SHLIB) $(RLIBDIR)/lib$(SHLIB)
        cp -f A.h ../inst/include

Then B can just have this Makevars :


as well as the "LinkingTo: A" in the description.

Now I realize that R.home(component='lib') is not the right place where to host libA.so, as one might not have rights, etc ... but should there be a right place, as a per-R-library lib folder ?


Romain Francois
Professional R Enthusiast
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