
I have just learned how to use compile and link libraries using "make" and
how to create R projects using R CMD build or INSTALL.  My understanding of
both is somewhat limited and hence the question.

I have a main library written in c which depends on other external
libraries. Main library is to be called from R using .Call. The goal is to
create a single R project that will compile all the external libraries, the
main library, R-C wrappers and install it. I am unsure about the proper
structure of R project directories and the general workflow such that:
(a) external libraries and the main libraries are built first using "make"
that I already have
(b) R-C Wrapper is compiled and installed using R CMD install.

I understand that there are issues using Makefiles and that there are
preferred ways of doing these things. I am not sure how to use Makevars
instead of Makefile for this purpose. Any help and in particular pointers to
examples of R packages with multiple external libraries would be

Thanks in advance,


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