On 28/03/2010 9:04 AM, Henrik Bengtsson wrote:
Here are some notes/observations I've done on my setup that works for
me. Hopefully it will be added to some r-forge documentation/wiki.

I use:

Windows Vista Business SP2 32bit
TortoiseSVN 1.6.7 (Build 18415 - 32 Bit , 2010/01/22 17:55:06)
PuTTY v0.60 (with Pageant v0.60)

I have a deprecated r-forge project ('r-oo') that I will use through
out.  My r-forge username is 'henrikb'.  The URL root to this project
is: svn+ssh://henr...@svn.r-forge.r-project.org/svnroot/r-oo

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1. Create a directory somewhere, e.g. r-oo,R-forge/
2. Right click on r-oo,R-forge/, select 'SVN Checkout...'
3. In 'URL of repository', enter
4. Click OK.  A 'Checkout - TortoiseSVN' window will open with a line
saying "Command" and "Checkout from ...".
5. After a while, another dialog will open titled 'TortoisePlink' and
'henr...@svn.r-forge.r-project.org password:' asking you to enter your
r-forge password.
6. After entering the password and clicking OK, some bytes are
downloaded, and then yet again a new 'TortoisePlink' dialog asks you
to enter your r-forge password.
7. After entering the password (the 2nd time) and clicking OK, the
actual files are downloaded; in the main ''Checkout - TortoiseSVN'
window you will see several lines of "Added" followed by a "Completed"
statement.  Click OK.
8. Look in your local r-oo,R-forge/ directory in Windows Explorer (not
Internet Explorer); it should now be populated with directories and
files, and (possibly hidden) .svn/ directories.  All directories,
except the .svn/ ones, now have a small overlay icon showing a "green
checkmark", which indicates that the local file is up to date with the
file on the r-forge SVN repository.

1. Edit r-oo,R-forge/README (which is one of the files that comes with
all r-forge projects).  I just add one line "foo" at the top so there
is a change.  Close the editor.
2. In Windows Explorer, the overlay icon now changed to a "red
exclamation mark", indicating that the content of the file differ from
the content available on the SVN repository.
3. To commit the changes to the online SVN repository, right click on
the file, select 'SVN Commit...'
4. A window titled 'Commit - ...' opens.  You can enter a log message
in the upper panel.  In the lower panel you see what files that will
be committed.
5. After clicking OK to commit, the 'TortoisePlink' dialog pops up and
asks you to enter your r-forge password.
6. After entering the password and clicking OK, then files will be
sent.  In 'Commit - ...' window you will see several lines reporting
this, e.g. "Command Commit", "Modified...", "Sending content ...", and
"Completed ...".  Click OK.
7. The icon for r-oo,R-forge/README should now be a green checkmark
(sometimes there is a delay in the update of the icon and you might
have to navigate in and out of the directory for it to be updated;
either way, the file online is updated.)

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Pageant (comes with PuTTY) is a Windows programming running in the
background that when setup properly together with r-forge will do
automatic authentication so that you do not have to enter your r-forge
password for every SVN checkout/commit/update.

1. Start PuTTYgen.  A 'PuTTYgen Key Generator' window opens.
2. Click 'Generate'.
3. Follow the instructions, i.e. move the mouse over the panel to
generate some randomness. When done, a key is generated.
5. Click "Save private key".   Do *not* enter a "key passphrase", that
is, reply "Yes" to the dialog asking you "Are you sure want to save
this key without a passphrase to protect it?".   Name the file, say,
'henrikb,20100328.ppk'.  Save it in a directory where you can find it
(default for me is under the Documents/).

I do it with a passphrase, which requires a small change below. The advantage of doing it with a passphrase is that if someone steals my laptop containing the key, they still won't be able to access anything unless they can guess my passphrase. (I use the same key to access a number of things, including some that I am more concerned about protecting than my R-forge files.)

6. Before closing PuTTYgen, we want to add the displayed *public key*
to the r-forge site.
7. Go to your 'My Page' -> 'Account Maintenance' at R-forge, i.e.
8. In the 'Shell Account Information' section at the bottom of the
page, go to '[Edit Keys]'.
9. In the panel shown, paste the public key that you can copy from the
PuTTYgen panel.  The key should look something like "ssh-rsa
rsa-key-20100328" in one line (without quotation marks).
10. Click 'Update' on the r-forge page.  In the 'Shell Account
Information' section you should now see that the there is one more key
at 'SSH Shared Authorized Keys'.
11. Close PuTTYgen and the r-forge page.

1. Start Pageant.  It will open as a small icon in the Windows System Tray.

I do this as part of each Windows logon, by putting the command

"...\pageant.exe" ...\foo.ppk

as a shortcut in my Startup folder. (The ...'s are replaced with real paths, of course.)

This pops up a dialog where I need to enter the passphrase. I get this every time I sign on to Windows which is a little irritating, but since I use svn+ssh for so many things, I probably make use of the key during almost every session. I've become used to typing a Windows password to log on to Windows, then a Pageant passphrase to get access to various remote things.

Duncan Murdoch

2. Double click on the Pageant tray icon to open the 'Pageant Key List' window.
3. Click 'Add Key'.  Locate the *ppk file saved by PuTTYgen, e.g.
'henrikb,20100328.ppk'.  Open it.
4. In the 'Pageant Key List' window, the key should now be listed,
e.g. "ssh-rsa  1024  ... rsa-key-20100328".  Note that the last part
"rsa-key-20100328" is just a comment, but it should match the "Key
comment" you saw in PuTTYgen and also at the end of the line pasted
into r-forge, cf. Step II.A.9 above.
5. You can now "Close" the Pageant window.  Pageant will keep running
in the System tray.

1. Edit the r-oo,R-forge/README file again, e.g. add a line "bar".
2. Follow the Steps I.B. above to commit.  The difference is that you
now do not have to enter the password.  Instead, Pageant will
communicate with r-forge in the background who will use the public and
private keys to exchange authentication information.

When I tried the above immediately after all the above steps, I was
still asked for the password.  This was at 12:40 UTC.  However, when
trying about 20 minutes later (13:01 UTC) the authentication works
automatically (no password needed).

The reason for the delay is that r-forge needs several hours in order
to update its authentication servers; this is written on the
http://r-forge.r-project.org/account/editsshkeys.php page where you
can read "This is done by a cron job, so it may not happen
immediately. Please allow for a one hour delay."  (maybe it happens at
every full hour - see above - but I don't know).  The exact time you
have to wait is unknown, and I do not know of a way to check when the
r-forge cron jobs have been run; there are no log files you check.
There are some information about r-forge cron jobs at
http://site.r-forge.r-project.org/, but they don't list the job for
the above.

Hope this helps some one


On Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 5:45 AM, David Scott <d.sc...@auckland.ac.nz> wrote:
Uwe Ligges wrote:
It is really not hard to set it up. I am using a vanilla ssh (rather than
putty) and that works fine all the time...

Uwe Ligges

Ditto here. I am using ssh non commercial version with tortoise on Vista,
and I don't recall any problems setting it up. R-forge works perfectly fine
with windows and tortoise in my experience.

Is your putty/ssh working? Can you access other machines with it? I do
recall ssh can be a bit fussy.

David Scott

On 27.03.2010 18:31, Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
s getting commits to R-Forge to work from
Windows.  The entire system is really geared to UNIX.  It took me a
couple of days of trial and error (since you have to wait 20 minutes
for each try) before I got it working.  Although I did get it to work,
I ultimately decided to host all my packages on googlecode.
googlecode is extremely easy to use from Windows and does not require
any public/private key, pageant, etc.  e.g.
http://sqldf.googlecode.com.  If you already have TortoiseSVN and know
how to use it then you can probably set up a googlecode site in
literally 5 minutes.

One other possibility.  I think there is a way to host your project on
googlecode but still have it mirrored on R-forge so from your users'
viewpoint its the same as if it were on R-Forge but you can use the
simpler googlecode site.  In that case you might not need to set up
commits on R-Forge since you would do all your commits through
googlecode (depending on how it works) but I have not seen good
documentation on how to do this.

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David Scott     Department of Statistics
               The University of Auckland, PB 92019
               Auckland 1142,    NEW ZEALAND
Phone: +64 9 923 5055, or +64 9 373 7599 ext 85055
Email:  d.sc...@auckland.ac.nz,  Fax: +64 9 373 7018

Director of Consulting, Department of Statistics

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