On 02/04/2010 8:06 AM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
On 02/04/2010 7:13 AM, Romain Francois wrote:
Le 02/04/10 13:07, Duncan Murdoch a écrit :
On 02/04/2010 6:17 AM, Romain Francois wrote:

I'm trying to inject html code into an Rd file. For example :


when this file is rendered, instead of having "hello" in bold, I get
<b>hello</b>, i.e. characters < and > are replaced with html entities
: &lt; and &gt;

Is there a way to turn this off ?
Yes, if you wrap it in \out{}. The example in the manual is


Duncan Murdoch
yes, I saw that in WRE, I should have been more specific.

what if instead of a trivial string like "<b>hello</b>" the text is to be computed by some function. For example:

print( xtable( iris), type = "html" )

I think this should do it:

paste("\\out{", "<b>hello</b>, "}", sep="")}

but this stuff hasn't been tested much, so there might be problems...

One problem is that the backslashes need to be escaped twice, so you'd want

 paste("\\\\out{", "<b>hello</b>, "}", sep="")}

and you'd probably want it wrapped in \if or \ifelse so that it doesn't show up in text or latex output:

\Sexpr[stage=render,results=rd, echo=FALSE]{"\\\\if{html}{\\\\out{<b>hello</b>}}"}

Duncan Murdoch

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