Thank you. Your example really clarifies what the $initialize(...) function is supposed to do.

Do you know if there is a straightforward way to dispatch the $new(...) method based on the signature of the arguments? I am thinking along the lines of S4 methods with valid signatures.

Thanks again for the example.

On 10/28/2010 12:12 PM, Jon Clayden wrote:
Sorry - you don't need to assign the value of initFields(). I was
going to do it in two lines but then realised one was enough... :)

TestClass<- setRefClass ("TestClass",
        fields = list (text = "character"),
        methods = list (
                initialize = function (text) {
initFields(text=paste(text,"\n")) },
                print = function ()  { cat(text) } )

All the best,

On 28 October 2010 15:13, Daniel Lee<>  wrote:
Is it possible to override the $new(...) in the reference class generator? I
have tried adding a "new" method to the methods of the class, but that is
obviously not correct. I have also tried adding it to the class generator,
but the class generator still uses the default constructor.

As a simple example, this is the current interface:
TestClass<- setRefClass ("TestClass",
        fields = list (text = "character"),
        methods = list (
                print = function ()  {cat(text)})
test<- TestClass$new (text="Hello World")

I would like to override $new(...) to be something like (add a "\n" to the
end of the input, no need to specify input fields):
TestClass$methods (new = function (text) {
            text<- paste (text, "\n")
            methods:::new (def, text=text)

The constructor would then be:
test<- TestClass$new ("Hello World")

This is a subtle, but useful change. I have also tried adding to TestClass a
method $newInstance(text), but that was not successful. If this is not
possible, could we consider augmenting the Reference Class interface to
include constructors?

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