On 12 March 2011 at 14:06, Janko Thyson wrote:
| Dear list,
| is it possible to specify a script that is executed "automatically" when my
| package is mounted via 'require(my.pkg)' or 'library(my.pkg)'?

That has been possible all along. See help(".onLoad") if you use a NAMESPACE
(as you should) or help(".First.lib") if you don't.

| Id' like to specify execute a small init function that creates some crucial
| environment structures. As it's always the first thing to do when using the
| package, I wanted to "hide" it from the user so he won't have to think about
| this step.
| Can I use the lazy-loading functionality of packages for that (Writing R
| Extensions, Section 1.1.5 Data in packages, pp. 10)?
| Thanks for any suggestions,
| Janko
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