Dear Terry,

Possibly I'm missing something, but since the generic drop1() doesn't have a 
test argument, why is there a problem?

> args(drop1)
function (object, scope, ...) 

If you use match.arg() against test, then the error message should be 
informative if one of the prescribed values isn't supplied.


John Fox
Sen. William McMaster Prof. of Social Statistics
Department of Sociology
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

On Mon, 14 Mar 2011 11:42:04 -0500
 Terry Therneau <> wrote:
> A recent question in r-help made me realize that I should add a drop1 method 
> for coxph and survreg.  The default does not handle strata() or cluster()
> properly.  
>   However, for coxph the right options for the "test" argument would be 
> likelihood-ratio, score, and Wald; not chisq and F.  All of them reference
> a chi-square distribution.  My thought is use these arguments, and add an
> error message "read the help file for drop1.coxph" when the defaults appear.
>   Any better suggestions?
> Terry Therneau
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