I am only reporting this because it is the current release branch and
not devel.

R-2.13 from svn revision 55957 builds fine, but fails make check.
This happened with a fresh svn checkout 12 hours ago and it still
happens as of now.  Two days ago I could build R-2.13 and it passed
make check on the same system, so I doubt it is a system problem.  But
just in case my system details are a fresh install of OS X Snow
Leopard (new machine) with Xcode 4 and Simon's gfortran and a number
of his other libraries (readline, cairo, libpng, jpeg, pixman and some

Output from make check:

running code in '../../R-2.13-src/tests/reg-examples1.R' ... OK
running code in '../../R-2.13-src/tests/reg-examples2.R' ... OK
running code in '../../R-2.13-src/tests/reg-packages.R' ...make[3]:
*** [reg-packages.Rout] Error 1
make[2]: *** [test-Reg] Error 2
make[1]: *** [test-all-basics] Error 1
make: *** [check] Error 2

locating tests/reg-packages.Rout.fail I find

> stopifnot(require("myTst",lib = "myLib"))
Loading required package: myTst
> sm <- findMethods(show, where= as.environment("package:myTst"))
> stopifnot(names(sm@names) == "foo")
> unlink("myTst_*")
> ## More building & installing packages
> ## NB: tests were added here for 2.11.0.
> ## NB^2: do not do this in the R sources!
> ## and this testdir is not installed.
> pkgSrcPath <- file.path(Sys.getenv("SRCDIR"), "Pkgs")
> if(file_test("-d", pkgSrcPath)) {
+     ## could use file.copy(recursive = TRUE)
+     system(paste('cp -r', shQuote(pkgSrcPath), shQuote(tempdir())))
+     pkgPath <- file.path(tempdir(), "Pkgs")
+     op <- options(warn=2)    # There should be *NO* warnings here!
+     ## pkgB tests an empty R directory
+     dir.create(file.path(pkgPath, "pkgB", "R"), recursive = TRUE,
+                showWarnings = FALSE)
+     p.lis <- c("pkgA", "pkgB", "exS4noNS", "exNSS4")
+     for(p. in p.lis) {
+         cat("building package", p., "...\n")
+         r <- build.pkg(file.path(pkgPath, p.))
+         cat("installing package", p., "using file", r, "...\n")
+         ## we could install the tar file ... (see build.pkg()'s definition)
+         install.packages(r, lib = "myLib", repos=NULL, type = "source")
+         stopifnot(require(p.,lib = "myLib", character.only=TRUE))
+         detach(pos = match(p., sub("^package:","", search())))
+     }
+     ## TODO: not just print, but check the "list":
+     print(installed.packages(lib.loc = "myLib", priority = "NA"))
+     options(op)
+     unlink("myLib", recursive = TRUE)
+     unlink(file.path(pkgPath), recursive = TRUE)
+ }
building package pkgA ...
Error in parse_description_field(desc, "BuildKeepEmpty", keep_empty1) :
  object 'keep_empty1' not found
Execution halted
Error: (converted from warning) running command
'/Users/khansen/Source/R-2.13-build/bin/R CMD build --keep-empty-dirs
had status 1
Execution halted


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