Why not use package.skeleton() to construct empty help files?

But if you're determined to change the function names instead, grep and sed are
very useful tools for that sort of thing. (The OS versions, not the R grep()).


On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 7:01 AM, Nicola Sturaro Sommacal
<mailingl...@nicolasturaro.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> I am building a package. This package will not submitted to CRAN.
> I write the help files for the most important functions of my package, I
> cannot write it for all functions. This may sounds strange, but so there!
> I know that all user-level functions should be documented, so I have to
> move my undocumented functions to a non-user-level. It's right?
> To move my functions to a non-user-level I can write them as hidden
> functions, with a dot before the names. This require a very long check of
> my code to change the call to the function preceding it by a dot. So, this
> is not a real choice.
> There are other way to reach my purpose?
> Thank you very much for help.
> Sincerely,
> Nicola

Sarah Goslee

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