Back in 2010 I raised this issue, and there was some discussion,

The goal, then, as now is to have a way to produce a bibtex-clean .bib 
file (i.e., not requiring
manual editing except in unusual circumstances) reflecting installed 
for use in writing where one often needs/wants to cite all packages used 
in a given article.

Achim wrote the function below  which largely does this job, quite 
nicely now that most
DESCRIPTION files now contain Authors@R fields.  However, something 
changed since
R 2.11.1 when I tried this last, so that the function no longer 
generates keys for packages
which contain *more than one citation*.

I've tried debugging with browser(), but can't figure out how to make 
the lines around FIXME
work.  Can someone help?

You can see the result from this at
The function is also at:

# Original code by Achim Zeileis, 16 Dec 2009, R-help
# Added: support header and preamble

Rpackages.bib <- function(filename = paste("Rpackages-",getRversion(), 
".bib", sep=""),
         header=TRUE, preamble=NULL, suppress.warnings=TRUE, verbose = TRUE)
   ## installed packages
   pkgs <- unique(installed.packages()[,1])
   if (suppress.warnings) warn <- options(warn=-1)
   bibs <- lapply(pkgs, function(x) try(toBibtex(citation(x))))
   if (suppress.warnings) options(warn)

   n.installed <- length(bibs)

   ## omit failed citation calls
   ok <- !(sapply(bibs, class) == "try-error")
   pkgs <- pkgs[ok]
   bibs <- bibs[ok]
   n.converted <- sum(ok)
   ## unify to list of Bibtex
   bibs <- lapply(bibs, function(x) if(inherits(x, "Bibtex")) list(x) 
else x)

   ## FIXME: add bibtex keys to each entry [the line below does not work!!]
   pkgs <- lapply(seq_along(pkgs), function(i) if(length(bibs[[i]]) > 1)
     paste(pkgs[i], 1:length(bibs[[i]]), sep = "") else pkgs[i])
   pkgs <-"c", pkgs)
   bibs <-"c", bibs)
   for(i in seq_along(pkgs)) bibs[[i]][1] <-
     gsub("{,", paste("{", pkgs[i], ",", sep = ""), bibs[[i]][1], fixed 

     if(header) header <- gsub("^", "%", toLatex(sessionInfo()))
     output <- file(filename, "a")
     cat(header, preamble, sep='\n', file=output, append=TRUE)
   ## write everything to a single .bib file
   writeLines("c", lapply(bibs, as.character)), con=output)
   if(verbose) cat("Converted", n.converted, "of", n.installed,
     "package citations to BibTeX",
     "\nResults written to file", filename, "\n")

   ## return Bibtex items invisibly

Michael Friendly     Email: friendly AT yorku DOT ca
Professor, Psychology Dept.
York University      Voice: 416 736-5115 x66249 Fax: 416 736-5814
4700 Keele Street    Web:
Toronto, ONT  M3J 1P3 CANADA

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