On 13-01-04 8:32 AM, Matthew Dowle wrote:

On Fri, Jan 3, 2013, Bert Gunter wrote

On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 10:00 AM, ivo welch <ivo.welch <at>
anderson.ucla.edu> wrote:

Dear R developers---I just spent half a day debugging an R program,
which had two bugs---I selected the wrongly named variable, which
turns out to have been a scalar, which then happily multiplied as if
it was a matrix; and another wrongly named variable from a data
that triggered no error when used as a[["name"]] or a$name .  there
should be an option to turn on that throws an error inside R when
does this.  I cannot imagine that there is much code that wants to
reference non-existing columns in data frames.

But I can -- and do it all the time: To add a new variable, "d" to a
data frame, df,  containing only "a" and "b" (with 10 rows, say):

df[["d"]] <- 1:10

Yes but that's `[[<-`. Ivo was talking about `[[` and `$`; i.e., select
only not assign, if I understood correctly.

Trying to outguess documentation to create error triggers is a very
bad idea.

Why exactly is it a very bad idea? (I don't necessarily disagree, just
for more colour.)

R already has plenty of debugging tools -- and there is even a "debug"
package. Perhaps you need a better programming editor/IDE. There are
several listed on CRAN, RStudio, etc.

True, but that relies on you knowing there's a bug to hunt for. What if
don't know you're getting incorrect results, silently? In a similar way
that options(warn=2) turns known warnings into errors, to enable you to
more strict if you wish,

I would say the point of options(warn=2) is rather to let you find the location of the warning more easily, because it will abort the evaluation. I would not recommend using code that issues warnings.

an option to turn on warnings from `[[` and
if the column is missing (select only, not assign) doesn't seem like a
bad option to have. Maybe it would reveal some previously silent bugs.

I agree that this would sometimes be useful, but a very common convention is to do something like

if (is.null(obj$element)) {  do something }

These would all have to be re-written to something like

if (missing.field(obj, "element") { do something }

There are several hundred examples of the first usage in base R; I imagine thousands more in contributed packages. I don't think the benefit of the change is worth all the work that would be necessary to implement it.


Anyway, I'm hoping Ivo will let us know if he likes the simple mask I
proposed, or not. That's already an option that can be turned on or
But if his bug was selecting the wrong column, not a missing one, then
I'm not sure anything could (or needs to be) done about that.


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