On Feb 28, 2013, at 5:09 PM, Bunny wrote:

> Dear devel-listers, 
> I found a conflct between rJava and data.table. Actually me questions is 
> where to report it? 
> Should I rather send it directly to the package maintainers or post it on 
> some bug tracker. 
> The problem is that data.table has a function called "J" and rJava uses the 
> same quite intensively. 
> I used the  xlsx R package which depends on rJava to write .xls files and ran 
> into an error. 
> write.xls from this package uses the functions and returns an error depending 
> on the sequence the packages
> were loaded. 
> Error in .jnew("org/apache/poi/xssf/usermodel/XSSFWorkbook") : 
>  java.lang.AbstractMethodError: 
> java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;
> data.table::J
> rJava::J
> I can work around this by loading and unloading packages, but I feel this 
> should be addressed because 
> loading these two packages that both deal with tables of data does not seem 
> that unlikely to me. 

Can you elaborate on the details as of where this will be a problem? Packages 
should not be affected since they should be importing the namespaces from the 
packages they use, so the only problem would be in a package that uses both 
data.table and rJava --  and this is easily resolved in the namespace of such 
package. So there is no technical reason why you can't have multiple 
definitions of J - that's what namespaces are for.

The error you report is entirely unrelated to J -- at lest in isolation. If you 
have a reproducible example, please share it.


> best
> matt
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