thanks, simon.  it's replicable even on

   R version 3.0.1 Patched (2013-07-13 r63293) -- "Good Sport"

(I presume that it is loading its own updated dynamic libraries when I
installed it in a temporary directory and am invoking it as
"temp/R-patched/bin/R", and not the system-wide unpatched version.)  the
program that causes it is small enough to be displayable

if (interactive()) options(error=recover)
year <- 1982

for (yr in (year-6):year) {
    ifname <- paste0("dbetas/dbetas-",yr, ".Rdata")
    print(head(dbetas,2))  ## if you remove this, then the core dump goes
    dm <- if (!exists("dm")) dbetas else rbind(dm, dbetas)
    cat("[Loaded ", yr,"]\n")
cat("\n[", now(), "Loaded All Data]\n")

Reproducing the error,

# r-devel/R-patched/bin/R --vanilla

R version 3.0.1 Patched (2013-07-13 r63293) -- "Good Sport"
Copyright (C) 2013 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)

R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.

  Natural language support but running in an English locale

R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
Type 'contributors()' for more information and
'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.

Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
Type 'q()' to quit R.

> source("coredump.R")
      permno yyyymmdd lagmval        beta
31303  10006 19760102  219450 -0.81162794
31304  10006 19760105  218025 -0.01280477
[Loaded  1976 ]
      permno yyyymmdd  lagmval       beta
31556  10006 19770103 304709.4  4.5770379
31557  10006 19770104 301456.2 -0.3810519
[Loaded  1977 ]
      permno yyyymmdd  lagmval     beta
31808  10006 19780103 301219.5 1.277823
31809  10006 19780104 296854.0 2.671327
[Loaded  1978 ]
      permno yyyymmdd  lagmval        beta
32060  10006 19790102 269308.5 -0.06000999
32061  10006 19790103 269308.5 -0.83697042
[Loaded  1979 ]
      permno yyyymmdd  lagmval       beta
32313  10006 19800102 303420.8 -0.3768525
32314  10006 19800103 305635.5  2.2475787
Error in rbind(deparse.level, ...) :
  'pairlist' object cannot be coerced to type 'double'

Enter a frame number, or 0 to exit

1: source("coredump.R")
2: withVisible(eval(ei, envir))
3: eval(ei, envir)
4: eval(expr, envir, enclos)
5: coredump.R#8: rbind(dm, dbetas)
6: rbind(deparse.level, ...)

Selection: 6
Called from: eval(substitute(browser(skipCalls = skip), list(skip = 7 -
    envir = sys.frame(which))
Browse[1]> head(dm)
      permno yyyymmdd lagmval        beta
31303  10006 19760102  219450 -0.81162794
31304  10006 19760105  218025 -0.01280477
31305  10006 19760106  218025  7.26041268
31306  10006 19760107  236550 -1.23044474
31307  10006 19760108  235125  3.02461687
31308  10006 19760109  239400  2.04868169
Browse[1]> head(rbind(dm,dbetas))

 *** caught segfault ***
address 0x10, cause 'memory not mapped'

 1: rbind(deparse.level, ...)
 2: rbind(dm, dbetas)
 3: head(rbind(dm, dbetas))
 4: eval(expr, envir, enclos)
 5: eval(substitute(browser(skipCalls = skip), list(skip = 7 - which)),
envir = sys.frame(which))
 6: (function () {    if (.isMethodsDispatchOn()) {        tState <-
tracingState(FALSE)        on.exit(tracingState(tState))    }    calls <-
sys.calls()    from <- 0L    n <- length(calls)    if
(identical(sys.function(n), recover))         n <- n - 1L    for (i in
rev(seq_len(n))) {        calli <- calls[[i]]        fname <- calli[[1L]]
     if (![1L], c("methods::.doTrace",
  ".doTrace")))) {            from <- i - 1L            break        }    }
   if (from == 0L)         for (i in rev(seq_len(n))) {            calli <-
calls[[i]]            fname <- calli[[1L]]            if (!
||,                 c("recover", "stop",
"Stop")))) {                from <- i                break            }
   }    if (from > 0L) {        if (!interactive()) {
 try(dump.frames())            cat(gettext("recover called
non-interactively; frames dumped, use debugger() to view\n"))
 return(NULL)        }        else if
(identical(getOption("show.error.messages"),             FALSE))
  return(NULL)        calls <- limitedLabels(calls[1L:from])        repeat
{            which <- menu(calls, title = "\nEnter a frame number, or 0 to
exit  ")            if (which)
eval(substitute(browser(skipCalls = skip), list(skip = 7 -
  which)), envir = sys.frame(which))            else break        }    }
 else cat(gettext("No suitable frames for recover()\n"))})()
 7: rbind(deparse.level, ...)
 8: rbind(dm, dbetas)
 9: eval(expr, envir, enclos)
10: eval(ei, envir)
11: withVisible(eval(ei, envir))
12: source("coredump.R")

Possible actions:
1: abort (with core dump, if enabled)
2: normal R exit
3: exit R without saving workspace
4: exit R saving workspace

the data files used are about 60mb.  this is all happening on a home
machine, which is not easy to ssh into.  however, I can bring it into the
office and see if I can replicate it there, too.  if I can, I could put it
up and give you an account on my machine.  or I can tar it up incl the data
and put it somewhere for download.  whatever you prefer.


Ivo Welch (

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