On 03/14/2014 03:54 PM, Simon Urbanek wrote:
As far as R is concerned, the connection is open. In addition, pipes exist even 
without the process - you can close one end of a pipe and it will still exist 
(that’s what makes pipes useful, actually, because you can choose to close 
arbitrary combination of the R/W ends). Detecting that the other end of the 
pipe has closed is generally done by sending/receiving data to/from the end of 
interest - i.e. reading from a pipe that has closed the write end on the other 
side will yield 0 bytes read. Writing to a pipe that has closed the read end on 
the other side will yield SIGPIPE error (note that for text connections you 
have to call flush() to send the buffer):

>writeLines("", p)
Error in flush.connection(p) : ignoring SIGPIPE signal
Thanks for your reply. I tried this in an R console and received the error, just like you described. Unfortunately, the error is not thrown when trying the same in RStudio. Any ideas?



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