On 03/26/2014 04:58 AM, Kirill Müller wrote:
Dear list

It is possible to store expected output for tests and examples. From the
manual: "If tests has a subdirectory Examples containing a file
pkg-Ex.Rout.save, this is compared to the output file for running the
examples when the latter are checked." And, earlier (written in the
context of test output, but apparently applies here as well): "...,
these two are compared, with differences being reported but not causing
an error."

I think a NOTE would be appropriate here, in order to be able to detect
this by only looking at the summary. Is there a reason for not flagging
differences here?

The problem is that differences occur too often because this is a comparison of characters in the output files (a diff). Any output that is affected by locale, node name or Internet downloads, time, host, or OS, is likely to cause a difference. Also, if you print results to a high precision you will get differences on different systems, depending on OS, 32 vs 64 bit, numerical libraries, etc. A better test strategy when it is numerical results that you want to compare is to do a numerical comparison and throw an error if the result is not good, something like

  r <- result from your function
  rGood <- known good value
  fuzz <- 1e-12  #tolerance

  if (fuzz < max(abs(r - rGood))) stop('Test xxx failed.')

It is more work to set up, but the maintenance will be less, especially when you consider that your tests need to run on different OSes on CRAN.

You can also use try() and catch error codes if you want to check those.


The following is slightly related: Some compilers and static code
analysis tools assign a numeric code to each type of error or warning
they check for, and print it. Would that be possible to do for the
anomalies detected by R CMD check? The most significant digit could
denote the "severity" of the NOTE, WARNING or ERROR. This would further
simplify (semi-)automated analysis of the output of R CMD check, e.g. in
the context of automated tests.

Best regards


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