On 07/02/2015 12:40 PM, Henrik Bengtsson wrote:
> Would it be possible to have the value of eval() preserve the
> "visibility" of the value of the expression?
> # Invisible
>> x <- 1
> # Visible
>> eval(x <- 2)
> [1] 2
>> withVisible(x <- 1)
> $value
> [1] 1
> $visible
> [1] FALSE
>> withVisible(eval(x <- 2))
> $value
> [1] 2
> $visible
> [1] TRUE
> eval2 <- function(expr, envir=parent.frame(), ...) {
>   res <- eval(withVisible(expr), envir=envir, ...)
>   value <- res$value
>   if (res$visible) value else invisible(value)
> }
>> x <- 1
>> eval(x <- 2)
> [1] 2
>> eval2(x <- 3)
>> x
> [1] 3

What's wrong with the workaround?

Duncan Murdoch

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