Am .06.2015, 14:55 Uhr, schrieb Millot Gael <>:


I have a problem with the default behavior of sample(), which performs sample(1:x) when x is a single value.
This behavior is well explained in ?sample.
However, this behavior is annoying when the number of value is not predictable. Would it be possible to add an argument that desactivates this and perform the sampling on a single value ? Examples:
sample(10, size = 1, replace = FALSE)

sample(10, size = 3, replace = TRUE)
10 10 10

sample(10, size = 3, replace = FALSE)

I think the problem here is that the function actually does what you would expect it to do given a statistic perspective. A sample of size three from a population of one without allowing to draw elements again that were drawn already is simply not defined. What shall the function give back?

... You can always wrap your code in a try() like this to prevent errors to break loops or functions:


... or you might check your arguments before execution:

if ( !replace & length(population) >= size ){
  sample(population, size = size , replace = replace)

Many thanks for your help.

Best wishes,

Gael Millot.

Gael Millot
UMR 3244 (IC-CNRS-UPMC) et Universite Pierre et Marie Curie
Equipe Recombinaison et instabilite genetique
Pav Trouillet Rossignol 5eme etage
Institut Curie
26 rue d'Ulm
75248 Paris Cedex 05
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