On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 9:49 AM, Michael Lawrence
<lawrence.mich...@gene.com> wrote:
> Would you please provide the details on this test case, including your
> benchmarks, and what you are trying to achieve at the high-level?

You can also see http://rpubs.com/wch/17459
Linked from https://github.com/wch/R6/ and also from CRAN, actually:

> On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 4:55 AM, Niek Bouman <niek.bou...@keygene.com> wrote:
>> Background:
>> For a new project we will have many mutable objects, and we therefore want 
>> to use a construction like reference classes in this project. However, we 
>> observed that the speed performance of our implementation (using reference 
>> classes) for a simple test case is rather poor compared to a non-OOP 
>> implementation. Further, turning the reference classes into R6classes (using 
>> the R6 package) gave the best performance. As speed is an issue in our 
>> project, this would for us be an important reason  to use R6 classes instead 
>> of reference classes. The drawback, of course, is that the R6 package is 
>> developed by a single developer and that further development is therefore 
>> less certain than if we would use reference classes, which are in the core. 
>> Ideally we would like a system like R6 in the core of R. Are you planning to 
>> support R6, or improve reference classes to be on par with (or better than) 
>> R6 in terms of speed, in the core?

R6 is backed by RStudio, for example their Shiny framework uses R6
classes, so I would not be too worried about this.



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