On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 1:31 AM, Martin Maechler
<maech...@stat.math.ethz.ch> wrote:
>>>>>> Josh O'Brien <joshmobr...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>     on Mon, 4 Jan 2016 16:16:51 -0800 writes:
>     > On Dec 19, 2015, at 3:32 AM, Martin Maechler <maechler at
>     stat.math.ethz.ch> wrote:
>     >>>>>>> Martin Maechler <maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch> on
>     >>>>>>> Sat, 12 Dec 2015 10:32:51 +0100 writes:
>     >>
>     >>>>>>> John Chambers <jmc at r-project.org> on Fri, 11 Dec
>     >>>>>>> 2015 10:11:05 -0800 writes:
>     >>
>     >>>> Somehow, the most obvious fixes are always
>     >>>> back-incompatible these days.  The example intrigued
>     >>>> me, so I looked into it a bit (should have been doing
>     >>>> something else, but ....)
>     >>
>     >>>> You're right that this is the proverbial
>     >>>> thin-edge-of-the-wedge.
>     >>
>     >>>> The problem is in setDataPart(), which will be called
>     >>>> whenever a class extends one of the vector types.
>     >>
>     >>>> It does as(value, dataClass) The key point is that the
>     >>>> third argument to as(), strict=TRUE by default.  So,
>     >>>> yes, the change will cause all integer vectors to
>     >>>> become double when the class extends "numeric".
>     >>>> Generally, strict=TRUE makes sense here and of course
>     >>>> changing THAT would open up yet more incompatibilities.
>     >>
>     >>>> For back compatibility, one would have to have some
>     >>>> special code in setDataPart() for the case of
>     >>>> integer/numeric.
>     >>
>     >>>> John
>     >>
>     >>>> (Historically, the original sin was probably not making
>     >>>> a distinction between "numeric" as a virtual class and
>     >>>> "double" as a type/class.)
>     >>
>     >>> Yes, indeed.  In the mean time, I've seen more cases
>     >>> where "the change will cause all integer vectors to
>     >>> become double when the class extends "numeric".  seems
>     >>> detrimental.
>     >>
>     >>> OTOH, I still think we could go in the right direction
>     >>> --- hopefully along the wishes of bioconductor S4
>     >>> development, see Martin Morgan's e-mail:
>     >>
>     >>> [This is all S4 - only; should not much affect base R /
>     >>> S3] Currently, "integer" is a subclass of "numeric" and
>     >>> so the "integer become double" part seems unwanted to
>     >>> me.  OTOH, it would really make sense to more formally
>     >>> have the basic subclasses of "numeric" to be "integer"
>     >>> and "double", and to let as(*, "double") to become
>     >>> different to as(*, "numeric") [Again, this is just for
>     >>> the S4 classes and as() coercions, *not* e.g.  for
>     >>> as.numeric() / as.double() !]
>     >>
>     >>> In the DEPRECATED part of the NEWS for R 2.7.0 (April
>     >>> 2008) we have had
>     >>
>     >>> o The S4 pseudo-classes "single" and double have been
>     >>> removed.  (The S4 class for a REALSXP is "numeric": for
>     >>> back-compatibility as(x, "double") coerces to
>     >>> "numeric".)
>     >>
>     >>> I think the removal of "single" was fine, but in
>     >>> hindsight, maybe the removal of "double" -- which was
>     >>> partly broken then -- possibly could rather have been a
>     >>> fixup of "double" along the following
>     >>
>     >>> Current "thought experiment proposal" :
>     >>
>     >>> 1) "numeric" := {"integer", "double"} { class -
>     >>> subclasses } 2) as(1L, "numeric") continues to return 1L
>     >>> .. since integer is one case of "numeric" 3) as(1L,
>     >>> "double") newly returns 1.0 {and in fact would be
>     >>> "equivalent" to as.double(1L)}
>     >>
>     >>> After the above change, S4 as(*, "double") would
>     >>> correspond to S3 as.double but as(*, "numeric") would
>     >>> continue to differ from as.numeric(*), the former *not*
>     >>> changing integers to double.
>     >>
>     >>> Martin
>     >>
>     >> Also note that e.g.
>     >>
>     >> class(pi) would return "double" instead of "numeric"
>     >>
>     >> and this will break all the bad programming style usages
>     >> of
>     >>
>     >> if(class(x) == "numeric")
>     >>
>     >> which I tend to see in gazillions of user and even
>     >> package codes This bad (aka error prone !)  because
>     >> "correct" usage would be
>     >>
>     >> if(inherits(x, "numeric"))
>     >>
>     >> and that of course would *not* break after the change
>     >> above.
>     >>
>     >> - - - -
>     >>
>     >> A week later, I'm still pretty convinced it would be
>     >> worth going in the direction proposed above.
>     >>
>     >> But I was actually hoping for some encouragement or
>     >> "mental support"...  or then to hear why you think the
>     >> proposition is not good or not viable ...
>     >>
>     >>
>     > I really like Martin Maechler's "thought experiment
>     > proposal", but (based partly on the reception its gotten)
>     > figure I mustn't be appreciating the complications it
>     > would introduce..
> Actually, I've spent half day implementing it and was very
> pleased about it... as matter of fact it passed *all* our checks
> also in all recommended packages (*)
> To do it cleanly... with very few code changes,
> the *only* consequence would be that
>    class(1.)
> (and similar) then returned  "double" instead of "numeric".
> which  *would*  be logical consequent, because indeed,
>    numeric = {integer, double}
> in that new scheme, and     class(1L) also returns "integer".
> To my big chagrin there was very big opposition such a change,
> IIRC, mainly on the grounds that for 20 years or so S and then R
> books and publications had said that double and numeric should
> be basically the same.
> (*) Below you have a C level proposal which as you note is
>     similar to John Chambers R level change:
> The consequence is that basically you can no longer have "integer"
> entries in "numeric" slots; they are automagically made into "double".
> I personally find that not really "acceptable" {waste of storage},
> and I would guess that more code "out there in package-land and
> user-code" would break than with my change.
>     > That said, if it's decided to just make a smaller fix of
>     > as(x, "numeric"), might it be better to make the change at
>     > the C level, to R_set_class in $RHOME/src/main/coerce.c?
> I'm not seeing the advantage to make the change there, apart
> from possibly some efficiency gain.

One advantage (relative to a solution based on setting a new S4 coerce()
method for signature c("integer", "numeric") ) is that it would also make
the following conversion work as naively expected:

    x <- 10L
    class(x) <- "numeric"
    # [1] "integer"  ## would be "numeric"

I know that's not a recommended strategy for converting an object's
class, but for users like me, trying to make sense of as() and the
class system,  it would be even more perplexing if `as(x, "numeric")`
and `class(x) <- "numeric"` yielded different results.

> For the time being, I will not work on this ... mainly as I still
> believe that my proposal would lead to a much much cleaner setup
> (and yes, even be worth some small changes in new editions of
>  those R books which deal with such subtle issues)

Thanks, anyway, for having looked into this. If no changes are to be made,
then it might (?) be worth modifying the "Basic Coercion Methods" section
of ?as. It currently reads:

     Methods are pre-defined for coercing any object to one of the
     basic datatypes.  For example, 'as(x, "numeric")' uses the
     existing 'as.numeric' function.  These built-in methods can be
     listed by 'showMethods("coerce")'.

which is not accurate for integer vectors 'x'.

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