On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 03:23:10PM +0100, Martin Maechler wrote:
> >>>>> Mikko Korpela <mikko.korp...@helsinki.fi>
> >>>>>     on Thu, 23 Feb 2017 14:02:58 +0200 writes:
>     > With new R releases soon to come, I suggest updating the
>     > Rcopyright macro in "doc/manual/R-defs.texi" to use year
>     > 2017.
> Now this is an e-mail that *REALLY* does not fit to the R-devel
> mailing list ... even though it is very very slightly related to
> the R sources.
> We do *not* want noise on R-devel, please.
> (and let's continue this issue in private if you want)
> Martin

Martin, I'm confused. Should Mikko have sent his suggestion to the
bugtracker, or just left it to the R Core Team to figure out for
themselves? Are we not grateful for valid suggestions? What's the
lesson here? Maybe I'm the only slow one on the list, but to me your
reply would have been a bit more helpful if it told us what to do, not
just what not to do...

Thank you,


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