Dear All,

Thank you for all valuable input and sorry for the off-topic for the
list. I will try R-pkg-devel for further related questions.   I was
actually after "one-go" auto-documentation in-line or out of comments
from a single file/environment in a similar spirit to
'package.skeleton or an extension of it. My take-home message or
summary from all responses do far.

* Regarding documentation;Duncan Murdoch's  wisdom " get good
stuff in the help page, you need just as much work as in writing the
.Rd file directly..". So there is no silver bullet in terms of
auto-documentation, I gather, especially for considering if one uses
more complex constructs, S4/S6 classes or Rcpp code behind.On the
other hand, roxgen2 being the most comprehensive solution.

* Lightweight solution to try out before moving to RStudio fully. I
will give a try Dirk's 'pkgKitten' and 'inlinedocs' Malcolm mentioned.

Interestingly, responses have reminded me Larry Wall's quote
which I think really applies to R more than any language I encounter
so far, from different class systems to different time-series
representations, so richly democratised.

Many regards,

On 30 January 2018 at 17:00, Suzen, Mehmet <> wrote:
> Dear R developers,
> I am wondering what are the best practices for developing an R
> package. I am aware of Hadley Wickham's best practice
> documentation/book (  I recall a couple of
> years ago there were some tools for generating a package out of a
> single file, such as using package.skeleton, but no auto-generated
> documentation. Do you know a way to generate documentation and a
> package out of single R source file, or from an environment?
> Many thanks,
> Mehmet

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