On 21/01/2019 12:35 p.m., Kasper Daniel Hansen wrote:
I see that base::pmax() does not support long vectors.

Is R-devel interested in reports like this; ie. is there a goal of full
support for long vectors in "basic" functions, something I at least would
greatly appreciate?


pmax(rep(1L, 3*10^9), 0)

Error in pmax(rep(1L, 3 * 10^9), 0) :
   long vectors not supported yet:

I think a carefully tested patch that fixes pmax (it would need to change this call from length() to xlength(), and make some other necessary changes that follow from this), would probably be useful to R Core, and could be posted to bugs.r-project.org.

It might also be useful on R-devel to post a list of all known commonly used functions that don't support long vectors; this could be updated on a regular basis. This might encourage people to produce patches as above.

I'm not so sure a report about a single function won't just get lost.

Duncan Murdoch

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