
Something like this?

t.test2 <- function(...) {
  ht <- t.test(...)
  class(ht) <- c("htest_tjl", class(ht))
print.htest_tjl <- function(x, ...) {
  NextMethod(x, ...)
  se <- as.vector(abs(diff(x$estimate)/x$statistic))
  cat("Standard error of the difference:", se, "\n\n")

t.test2(1:10, y = c(7:20))
t.test2(extra ~ group, data = sleep)  # last example from ?t.test

(The suffix tjl commes from the OP's initials.)

Hope this helps,

Rui Barradas

Às 21:51 de 21/02/2019, Fox, John escreveu:
Dear Thomas,

it is, unfortunately, not that simple. t.test() returns an object of class 
"htest" and not all such objects have standard errors. I'm not entirely sure 
what the point is since it's easy to compute the standard error of the difference from 
the information in the object (adapting an example from ?t.test):

(res <- t.test(1:10, y = c(7:20)))

        Welch Two Sample t-test

data:  1:10 and c(7:20)
t = -5.4349, df = 21.982, p-value = 1.855e-05
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
  -11.052802  -4.947198
sample estimates:
mean of x mean of y
       5.5      13.5

as.vector(abs(diff(res$estimate)/res$statistic)) # SE
[1] 1.47196
[1] "htest"

and if you really want to print the SE as a matter of course, you could always write your 
own wrapper for t.test() that returns an object of class, say, "t.test" for 
which you can provide a print() method. Much of the advantage of working in a statistical 
computing environment like R (or Stata, for that matter) is that you can make things work 
the way you like.


   John Fox, Professor Emeritus
   McMaster University
   Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
   Web: http::/socserv.mcmaster.ca/jfox

On Feb 21, 2019, at 3:57 PM, Thomas J. Leeper <thosjlee...@gmail.com> wrote:

A recent thread on Twitter [1] by a Stata user highlighted that t.test()
does not return or print the standard error of the mean difference, despite
it being calculated by the function.

I know this isn’t the kind of change that’s likely to be made but could we
at least return the SE even if the print() method isn’t updated? Or,
better, update the print() method to display this as well?



Thomas J. Leeper

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