Thank you Lionel for comprehensive explanation. I think that rotating
AST in base R is not a good way to go, it would probably complicate
the code heavily.

Jan Gorecki

On Tue, Mar 17, 2020 at 4:49 PM Lionel Henry <> wrote:
> Hi Jan,
> In the lisp code you provide the operators are parsed as simple
> symbols in a pairlist. In the R snippet, they are parsed as
> left-associative binary operators of equal precedence. If you unquote
> a call in the right-hand side, you're artificially bypassing the
> left-associativity of these operators.
> To achieve what you're looking for in a general way, you'll need a
> more precise definition of the problem, and a solution that probably
> involves rotating the AST accordingly (see
> Maybe it could be possible to formulate a definition where splicing in
> special calls like binary operators produces the same AST as the user
> would type by hand. It seems this would make splicing easier to use
> for end users, but make the metaprogramming model more complex for
> experts. This is an interesting perspective though. It also seems
> vaguely connected to the problem of splicing within model formulas.
> I see in your example that the new ..() operator in `bquote()` allows
> splicing calls, and seems to unquote them instead of splicing. In the
> first versions of rlang, splicing with !!! behaved just like this. We
> changed this behaviour last year and I would like to share the
> motivations behind this decision, as it might be helpful to inform the
> semantics of ..() in bquote() in R 4.0.
> The bottom line is that calls are now treated like scalars. This is a
> slight contortion of the syntax because calls are "language lists",
> and so they could be conceived as collections rather than scalars.
> However, R is vector-oriented rather than pairlist-oriented, and
> treating calls as scalars makes the metaprogramming model simpler.
> This is also how `bquote(splice = TRUE)` works. However `bquote()`
> and rlang do not treat scalars in the same way. In rlang scalars
> cannot be spliced, they must be unquoted.
> ```
> bquote(foo(..(function() NULL)), splice = TRUE)
> #> foo(function() NULL)
> bquote(foo(..(quote(bar))), splice = TRUE)
> #> foo(bar)
> expr(foo(!!!function() NULL))
> #> Error: Can't splice an object of type `closure` because it is not a vector.
> expr(foo(!!!quote(bar)))
> #> foo(bar)
> #> Warning message:
> #> Unquoting language objects with `!!!` is deprecated as of rlang 0.4.0.
> #> Please use `!!` instead.
> ```
> We decided to disallow splicing scalars (and thus calls) in rlang even
> though this is a legal operation in many lisps. In lisps, the splicing
> operation stands for unquoting in the CDR of a pairlist. By contrast
> the unquote operation unquotes in the CAR. For example `(1 ,@3) is
> legal in Common Lisp and stands for the cons cell (1 . 3). I think
> such semantics are not appealing in a language like R because it is
> vector-oriented rather than pairlist oriented. Pairlists are mostly an
> implicit data structure that users are not familiar with, and they are
> not even fully supported in all implementations of R (for instance
> TERR and Renjin do not allow non-NULL terminated pairlists, and while
> GNU R has vestigial print() support for these, they cause str() to crash).
> In general, it is much more useful to define a splice operation that
> also works for vectors:
> ```
> rlang::list2(1, !!!10:11, 3)
> #> [[1]]
> #> [1] 1
> #>
> #> [[2]]
> #> [1] 10
> #>
> #> [[3]]
> #> [1] 11
> #>
> #> [[4]]
> #> [1] 3
> ```
> Because vectors do not have any notion of CDR, the usual lisp
> interpretation of splicing scalars does not apply.
> One alternative to make it work is to devolve the splicing operation
> into a simple unquote operation, when supplied a scalar. This is how
> `bquote(splice = TRUE)` works. However I think this kind of
> overloading is more confusing in the long run, and makes it harder for
> users to form a correct mental model for programming with these
> operations. For this reason it seems preferable to force users to be
> explicit about the desired semantics with scalars and calls. In rlang
> they must either unquote the call, or explicitly transform it to a
> list prior to splicing:
> ```
> x <- quote(bar + baz)
> # Unquote instead of splicing
> expr(foo(!!x))
> #> foo(bar + baz)
> # Convert to list and then splice
> expr(add(!!!as.list(x[-1])))
> #> add(bar, baz)
> ```
> Unquoting could be consistent if all objects were truly vectors in R,
> i.e. if they were implicitly wrapped in a list. Then ..(quote(foo))
> would be very similar to ..(1). In the former case a list of size 1
> would be spliced, in the latter case a vector of size 1 is
> spliced. This would explain why .() and ..() have the same behaviour
> with scalars. While an interesting thought experiment, this is not
> how scalars work in R.
> It seems relevant that Clojure is a lisp that does not allow splicing
> scalars. Like rlang, Clojure defines the splicing operation in other
> contexts than pairlists, such as vectors. I suspect the rationale of
> making scalar-splicing an error in Clojure, even in pairlist context,
> is to avoid overloading the semantics of this fundamental operation.
> Best,
> Lionel
> On 3/17/20, Jan Gorecki <> wrote:
> > Dear R-devel,
> >
> > There is a new feature in R-devel, which explicitly refers to LISP @
> > operator for splicing.
> >
> >> The backquote function bquote() has a new argument splice to enable
> >> splicing a computed list of values into an expression, like ,@ in LISP's
> >> backquote.
> >
> > Although the most upvoted SO question asking for exactly LISP's @
> > functionality in R doesn't seems to be addressed by this new feature.
> >
> > Is it possible to use new splice feature to create `6 - 5 + 4`
> > expression rather than `6 - (5 + 4)`?
> >
> > b = quote(5+4)
> > b
> > #5 + 4
> > c = bquote(6-.(b))
> > c
> > #6 - (5 + 4)
> > d = bquote(6-..(b), splice=TRUE)
> > d
> > #6 - (5 + 4)
> >
> > There is corresponding LISP code provided
> >
> > CL-USER>
> > (setf b `(5 + 4))
> > (5 + 4)
> > CL-USER>
> > (setf c `(6 - ,@b))
> > (6 - 5 + 4)
> > CL-USER>
> > (setf c-non-spliced `(6 - ,b))
> > (6 - (5 + 4))
> > CL-USER>
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Jan Gorecki
> >
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