I use keyboard shortcuts to interact with my window manager. One of those 
shortcuts closes the currently focused window. This is on Linux.

The only annoying thing for me is that 'plot()' is not interruptible, so 
neither Ctrl-C nor the window manager can stop a plot once it has started - but 
I submitted a bug to fix this a long time ago. If I use the keyboard to close 
the window while a plot is being drawn, then it has to finish drawing before 
the window actually closes.


On Tue, May 26, 2020 at 12:49:24PM -0400, Ben Bolker wrote:

   Does anyone have any idea how hard it would be/where to start if one wanted to hack/patch R to allow X11 graphics windows that had keyboard focus to be closed with standard keyboard shortcuts (e.g. Ctrl-W to close on Linux)?  Has this been suggested/tried before?


    Ben Bolker

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