Hi Carson,

thanks for the report. This is a bug in R, specific to Windows and to characters that use surrogate pairs - other characters will work fine, other recent operating systems where R runs will work fine (all where a single wchar_t holds complete Unicode characters). Now fixed in R-devel.

If handling of surrogate pairs (e.g. Emoji characters) is important for you, it would help if you could systematically stress-test R for that. A number of related bugs have been fixed, but it is not impossible some are still present as these characters are rarely present in test data.

Also, sometimes fixing bugs ironically introduces new problems. This regression was caused by a correct fix of a bug related to surrogate pairs in R 4.0. That old bug was cancelling out this old bug in post-processing PCRE results.


On 6/9/20 12:09 AM, Carson Sievert wrote:
Hi everyone,

I've noticed new behavior in `regexpr(..., perl = TRUE)` on Windows with
R4.0 and above with Unicode characters. Here's a minimal example where I'd
expect to see a start value of `5` (as R 3.6.2 and below gives), but R
4.0.0 (and R 4.0.1) now returns:

regexpr("b", "foo\U0001F937bar", perl = TRUE)
#> [1] 6
#> attr(,"match.length")
#> [1] 1

Perhaps this change in behavior could be explained by R4.0's migration to
PCRE2? Here is some relevant output from my R4.0 session:

#> UTF-8 Unicode properties     JIT    stack
#>  TRUE               TRUE    TRUE    FALSE

#>         zlib                        bzlib            xz
#> "1.2.11"   "1.0.8, 13-Jul-2019"    "5.2.4"   "10.33 2019-04-16"
#> ICU                                       TRE            iconv
  readline   BLAS
#> "58.2" "TRE 0.8.0 R_fixes (BSD)"  "win_iconv"               ""       ""

Let me know if there's any more information I can provide to help replicate
and isolate the issue. Also, if this happens to be the expected behavior,
I'd be keen to learn about why that's the case.

Thank you,


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