Hello Ryan,

Sorry for not responding right away -- it took me a while to remember
what I meant back then :)

On Fri, 9 Apr 2021 23:34:13 +0000
Ryan Novosielski <novos...@rutgers.edu> wrote:

> Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
> bcEval.R (body=0x3eb7748, rho=0x3f72770, useCache=TRUE)
> at /scratch/novosirj/install-files/R-4.0.5/src/main/eval.c:6478
> 6478      codebase = pc = BCCODE(body);
> (gdb) print R_EvalDepth
> $1 = 2729
> (gdb) print R_Expressions
> $2 = 5000
> (gdb) print R_CStackStart
> $3 = 140737488207872
> (gdb) print R_CStackLimit
> $4 = 7969177

> [novosirj@amarel-test2 bin]$ ulimit -s
> 8192

So far I can only say that you get the same ulimit -s of 8192 and
R_CStackLimit of 8192 * 1024 * .95 that I get on my current machine
(and now it's the stack size limit that's reached first, not expression
depth limit). Let's try to get more information.

When you get the SIGSEGV,

1) What does print $_siginfo._sifields._sigfault show? Try printing at
least $_siginfo if the first command gives you an error.

2) When you get the crash, is the body argument accessible? What does
print *body show?

3) What are the addresses of the local variables when the crash
happens? Specifically, what do the following commands show:

print &codebase
print &pc
print R_CStackDir * (R_CStackStart - (uintptr_t)&codebase)
print R_CStackDir * (R_CStackStart - (uintptr_t)&pc)

Best regards,

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