
Bert Gunter started a very recent R-Help thread [1] about the following method not working.

`+.character` <- function(x, y) paste0(x, y)

The discussion is worth reading and at least partly answers to the reason why the feature request has never made it to base R.

It goes without saying that I do not speak for the R Core team.

[1] https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2021-December/473163.html

Hope this helps,

Rui Barradas

Às 22:36 de 04/12/21, Grant McDermott escreveu:
Hi all,

I wonder if the R Core team might reconsider an old feature request, as 
detailed in this 2005 thread: 

The TL;DR version is base R support for a `+.character` method. This would 
essentially provide a shortcut to `paste​0`, in much the same way that `\(x)` 
now provides a shortcut to `function(x)`.

a = "hello "; b = "world"
a + b
[1] "hello world"

I appreciate some of the original concerns raised against a native "string1 + 
string2" implementation. The above thread also provides several use-at-your-own-risk 
workarounds. But sixteen years is a long time in software development and R now stands as 
something of an exception on this score. Python, Julia, Stata, and SQL (among various 
others) all support native string concatenation/interpolation using binary/arithmetic 
operators. It's been a surprising source of frustration for students in some of the 
classes I teach, particularly those coming from another language.

Many thanks for considering.

PS. I hope I didn't miss any additional discussion of this issue beyond the 
original 2005 thread. My search efforts didn't turn anything else up, except 
this popular Stackoverflow question: 

Grant McDermott
Assistant Professor
Department of Economics
University of Oregon

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