Right now, attaching the same package with different include.only= has no

library(Matrix, include.only="fac2sparse")
# [1] "fac2sparse"

?library does not cover this case -- what is covered is the _loading_
behavior of repeated calls:

> [library and require] check and update the list of currently attached
packages and do not reload a namespace which is already loaded

But here we're looking at the _attach_ behavior of repeated calls.

I am particularly interested in allowing the exports of a package to be
built up gradually:

library(Matrix, include.only="fac2sparse")
library(Matrix, include.only="isDiagonal") # want: ls("package:Matrix") -->
c("fac2sparse", "isDiagonal")

It seems quite hard to accomplish this at the moment. Is the behavior to
ignore new inclusions intentional? Could there be an argument to get
different behavior?

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