Thanks Byron, I assume you use new Devel Tool updates and nothing from fink?
Can other people with new dev tools check this (for example Jan?)
It would be nice to update the instuction page (and R-admin in the future)

some general notes:
1. there is no need to configure with --without-x as X11 can now be used from inside RAqua
2. please use R-devel and not R-Sig-Mac as we will soon close this list (from R-1.8.0)
3. me and Thomas have implemented many new code to the Aqua GUI. If you rsync today and reinstall RAqua you'll see these changes
4. tcltk seems to work again but only after launching tkStartGUI()


On Marted́, ago 12, 2003, at 07:17 Europe/Rome, Byron Ellis wrote:

I've recently had the 'opportunity' (if you can call a dead hard drive that) to rebuild my iBook from scratch and I thought I'd share my 'building R with minimum changes' :-)

Note: I use bash not tcsh, I don't remember if this syntax works

FPICFLAGS=-fno-common LDFLAGS=-lcc_dynamic ./configure --enable-R-shlib --with-aqua --without-x --with-blas='-framework vecLib' --with-lapack

This gets rid of the devQuartz.c building problems caused by Debugging.h and gets configure to run. Everything else is according to Stefano's website. Obviously you'd need to make modifications for Tcl/Tk and recommended packages and such, but this gets me up and running without having to modify files (which is good for those of us syncing from R-sync :-))

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