On Sat, 2 Apr 2005 23:50:24 -0600, Charles Geyer

>The subject line says it all.  How can I find what
>    Error: cannot set length of non-vector
>means?  RTFS is no help.  I can find out of course that
>it comes from "lengthgets", but who called that?  Not me!

I think the error comes from your second chunk where you have
read.table("logit.txt", header=T).  I don't think CHECK is running in
the right directory to find the file.

Whether this is your bug or CHECK's bug, I don't know.

It certainly would be nice if CHECK errors were easier to diagnose.
I'm not sure my diagnosis is right, because I was just trying to
manually duplicate bits of the CHECK script, and I might have missed a
setwd somewhere.

Duncan Murdoch

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