>>>>> "Kjetil" == Kjetil Brinchmann Halvorsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>     on Sun, 10 Apr 2005 14:00:52 -0400 writes:

    Kjetil> The error reported below still occurs in todays
    Kjetil> (2005-04-08) rw2010beta, should I file a formal bug
    Kjetil> report?

Thank you, Kjetil.

It seems nobody has found time to look at this in the mean time.
I can confirm the bug on quite a different platform
(Linux Redhat 64-bit on AMD 64).
The problem is infinite recursion which you see more easily,
when you set something like options(expressions=500).

Further note that the bug is not new, it also happens in
previous versions of R ( -> i.e. no reason to stop using "R 2.1.0 beta"!)

Here's a ``pure script''

testmat <- matrix(1:80, 20,4)
testframe <- data.frame(testmat=I(testmat),
                        x=rnorm(20), y=rnorm(20), z=sample(1:20))

##> Error: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / 
## -- or --
##> Error: protect(): protection stack overflow

### In the second case, I at least get a useful trace back:

traceback() ## longish output, shows the infinite recursion:


17: summary.data.frame(data.frame(object), ...)
16: summary.matrix(object, digits = digits, ...)
15: summary.default(X[[1]], ...)
14: FUN(X[[1]], ...)
13: lapply(as.list(object), summary, maxsum = maxsum, digits = 12, 
12: summary.data.frame(data.frame(object), ...)
11: summary.matrix(object, digits = digits, ...)
10: summary.default(X[[1]], ...)
9: FUN(X[[1]], ...)
8: lapply(as.list(object), summary, maxsum = maxsum, digits = 12, 
7: summary.data.frame(data.frame(object), ...)
6: summary.matrix(object, digits = digits, ...)
5: summary.default(X[[1]], ...)
4: FUN(X[[1]], ...)
3: lapply(as.list(object), summary, maxsum = maxsum, digits = 12, 
2: summary.data.frame(testframe)
1: summary(testframe)


Thanks again for the report;
this should be fixable before release.


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