I'm using R 2.0.1.

I looked in the email archives but didn't see anything on this topic.

I've noticed a surprising (to me) difference between AIC and BIC:

> methods("AIC")
[1] AIC.default* AIC.logLik*

> methods("BIC")
[1] BIC.gls*    BIC.lm*     BIC.lme*    BIC.lmList* BIC.logLik* BIC.nls*

The BIC.gls BIC.lm BIC.lme BIC.lmList and BIC.nls functions appear to have
exactly the same definition.  (I didn't check with 'diff' though.)

Would it make sense to treat BIC similarly to AIC and have just
BIC.default and BIC.logLik?

Kevin Wright

R-devel@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list

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