On Apr 19, 2005, at 8:56 AM, Prof Brian Ripley wrote:

[Moved from R-help.]

On Tue, 19 Apr 2005, Sean Davis wrote:

I'm sorry if this is too off-topic--feel free to ignore. I am interested in using pl/R, an amazing "plugin" for the postgresql database. As is typical of these types of applications, pl/R needs to link against a shared library. However, it appears that the MacOS R binary does not build a static (.so) shared library.

Excuse me, but a .so is a DSO, a Dynamic _Shared_ Object. What does `static' have to do with this? libR is a dynamic library, actually libR$(DYLIB_EXT) with values of .so. .sl and .dylib being known.

My misunderstanding, you are correct in that assumption. Your explanation helps a lot.

Is there an accepted, general way (read, a way that works) for linking against R (presumably the dylib) on the Mac?

Yes, since that is how the GUI on MacOS X works.

My guess is that you think that pl/R requires libR.so: if correct that is a false assumption made somewhere along the line, and the best thing to do is to consult the author. In any case

This is again my misunderstanding.

Please do consult the posting guide as to the right place. (I've moved this to R-devel and included Joe Conway. Joe: perhaps you could make you email address more readily available in the PL/R pages.)

Actually, Joe has been quite helpful in this regard and the question has come up on his pl/R email list before, but without resolution, as far as I could tell (but again, I could be sadly mistaken). I thought that posting to r-help (with the caveat that I was perhaps off-topic) would clarify things for me a bit. It has done just that and I really appreciate your willingness to answer the off-topic post and move it to the appropriate forum.


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