I noticed something in R --help that needs updating for R 2.1.0

In the changes documentation for R 2.1.0:

 o      BATCH on Unix no longer sets --gui="none" as the X11 module
        is only loaded if needed.

But --gui=none is still documented as acceptable in R --help

[39]% R --version
R 2.1.0 (2005-04-18).
Copyright (C) 2005 R Development Core Team

[40]% R --help

[ output omitted, until]

 -g, --gui=TYPE        Use TYPE as GUI; possible values are 'X11'
                        (default), 'none', 'Tk' and 'gnome'


[41]% R --gui=none ERROR: unknown GUI none

-Don -- -------------------------------------- Don MacQueen Environmental Protection Department Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Livermore, CA, USA

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