On Sat, 30 Apr 2005, Kjetil Brinchmann Halvorsen wrote:

Prof Brian Ripley wrote:

On Fri, 29 Apr 2005, Kjetil Brinchmann Halvorsen wrote:

This is rw2010 from CRAN.

When running Rcmd check
on a package I get:

Warning in utils::data(list = al, envir = data_env) :
   data set 'vowel.test' not found
Warning in utils::data(list = al, envir = data_env) :
   data set 'vowel.train' not found
Warning in utils::data(list = al, envir = data_env) :
   data set 'waveform.test' not found
Warning in utils::data(list = al, envir = data_env) :
   data set 'waveform.train' not found

However, I have no problem with this when using the package.

This datasets are loaded, multiple datasets at a time, under another name.
data(vowel)  loads the two first in the list above. Could it be this
(which should be allowed, is mentioned in "writing R extensions")
or is it something else, or a bug?

Such issues are probably best for R-devel.

(changed it)

There is nothing to reproduce here, which could well be considered a bug in your posting.

Yes, indeed. But I did'nt know how to make something reproducible without attaching the package, which does'nt make sense.

It seems likely that your package's documentation has an alias for 'vowel.test' in a man page marked as \docType{data}, yet data('vowel.test') does not work.

Yes, indeed. But "Writing R extensions" has:

"If your data files are enormous you can speed up installation by providing a file datalist in the data subdirectory. This should have one line per topic that |data()| will find, in the format foo if |data(foo)| provides foo, or foo: bar bah if |data(foo)| provides bar and bah."

which seems to permite that data(vowel)
makes 'vowel.test' available (and 'vowel.train') without making 'vowel' available.

And the help for help pages says that only one data object should be documented for each help page,
so it seems to be necesary with one help page for 'vowel.test' and one for 'vowel.train'.

So what to do?


1) Omit the aliases from the help page.


2) Use LazyData and document 'vowel.test' and 'vowel.train' on one help page. ?Pima.te in MASS is an example.

Using LazyData makes such things much more consistent.

-- Brian D. Ripley, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Professor of Applied Statistics, http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/ University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self) 1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA) Oxford OX1 3TG, UK Fax: +44 1865 272595

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