
First, thanks for your help and sorry for not following the posting
guide by not giving more detailed informations and an easily
reproducible example...

> i) Despite its annoncment in fortune("mind_read"), the mind_read()
> function is apparently not to be released in R 2.6.0, so that if
> you could just follow the posting guide and give a reproducible
> example...

Well, I hope it will be ready for R 2.7.0 !

> ii) Give the output of your sessionInfo(). You can use something
> like that in your *.rnw file:
> <<sessionInfo, results=tex, echo=F>>=
> toLatex(sessionInfo())
> @

Here it is :

| R version 2.5.1 (2007-06-27) 
| i486-pc-linux-gnu 
| locale:
| attached base packages:
| [1] "grDevices" "utils"     "datasets"  "graphics"  "stats"     "methods"  
| [7] "base"     
| other attached packages:
|     car 
| "1.2-1" 

> iii) What do you mean exactly by "doesn't work"? Put the source and
> the output somewhere on the web so that we can see both.

"Doesn't work" means that the generated pdf file for the figure
generated by the chunk is empty. It is not of size 0, but it has no
content and so cannot be included when running pdflatex, which exits
with an error :

| !pdfTeX error: pdflatex (file ./alpha_sweave-004.pdf): PDF inclusion: 
| page does not exist <0>
|  ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!

When I try this example at work, I got an error message during Sweave
which is close from something like "warning : semitransparency not
supported by this device". When I try at home (with the given
sessionInfo), I got no warning but in both the cases the result is the
same : an empty pdf file for the figure and an error during pdflatex

I've put online an example Rnw file and the almost empty pdf produced
here :


Thanks in advance for any help.


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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

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