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It is nothing to do with TukeyHSD, as the differences are there in the means.

It is clear that your covariates are havng an effect on the fit. Presumably you suspected that because you tried a fit with them included, and the fit with covariates is therefore the one to use.

As the posting guide points out this is not a list for statistical advice, so please make use of your local statistical advice service for help on the substantive issues here.

On Thu, 27 Sep 2007, Mariana Botelho wrote:


I have some doubts on TukeyHSD application.

I want to investigate the effects of depth, latitude and month variation on
the length of a fish. These are orthogonal and observational data.

For this, I have made an aov model (L~month+lat+prof+month*lat), after
applying drop1 and step functions. But when I applied TukeyHSD I had
unexpected results.

For instance, I have three levels for latitude and the mean and standard
deviation of lengths are:


 FLat        x

1 24.5 431.8745

2   25 415.9973

3 25.5 416.0420


 FLat        x

1 24.5 114.6516

2   25 108.9774

3 25.5 105.5219

So, it's expected to have 25 and 25.5 levels closer than 24.5, and we see
this making a simple aov model:

aov.LtArL <-aov(LtMm~FLat)

TukeyHSD(aov.LtArL, ordered = TRUE)

 Tukey multiple comparisons of means

   95% family-wise confidence level

   factor levels have been ordered

Fit: aov(formula = LtMm ~ FLat)


                diff        lwr      upr     p adj

25.5-25    0.04474535 -16.009079 16.09857 0.9999764

24.5-25   15.87715429  -5.371913 37.12622 0.1860347

24.5-25.5 15.83240894  -3.213078 34.87790 0.1251572

Nevertheless, the complete model indicates just the opposite:



 Tukey multiple comparisons of means

   95% family-wise confidence level

   factor levels have been ordered

Fit: aov(formula = LtMm ~ FMes + FLat + FProf + FMes * FLat)


             diff        lwr      upr     p adj

24.5-25.5  6.46322 -11.706623 24.63306 0.6815646

25-25.5   19.72066   4.404934 35.03639 0.0072350

25-24.5            13.25744  -7.014670 33.52955 0.2751153

Which should be the right interpretation?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Best regards,

Mariana L. L. A. Botelho

MSc candidate

São Paulo Fisheries Institute


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Brian D. Ripley,                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,
University of Oxford,             Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
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