-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Matthias Wendel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 9. Januar 2008 13:06
Cc: 'Gabor Grothendieck'
Betreff: AW: [R] subsetting

Thank you, Gabor, for this clarificaton. This is very helpful für me.
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Gabor Grothendieck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Freitag, 4. Januar 2008 20:05
An: Matthias Wendel
Cc: r-help@r-project.org
Betreff: Re: [R] subsetting

Here are three ways:

1. Define inner inside outer:

outer <- function() { s <- 1; inner <- function() s; inner() }
outer() # 1

2.  Use parent.frame:

inner <- function() parent.frame()$s
outer <- function() { s <- 1; inner() }
outer() # 1

3. Pass s explicitly:

inner <- function(s) s
outer <- function() { s <- 1; inner(s) }
outer() # 1

On Jan 4, 2008 1:36 PM, Matthias Wendel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm using R Version 2.6.1 under Windows XP.
> > search()            
>  [1] ".GlobalEnv"            "s"                     "s"                     
> "package:cairoDevice"
>  [5] "package:datasets"      "package:foreign"       "package:graphics"      
> "package:grDevices"
>  [9] "package:gWidgetsrJava" "package:gWidgets"      "package:Hmisc"         
> "package:JGR"
> [13] "package:JavaGD"        "package:rJava"         "package:stats"         
> "package:utils"
> [17] "package:methods"       "Autoloads"             "package:base"
> The Problem: I'm using a function which is constructing a subset of a 
> dataframe. This dataframe is used in another function. The structure is like 
> this:
> > inner = function (){
> + print('inner:')
> + print(s)
> + }
> > outer = function(){
> + t = data.frame(list(X=1:10, Y=LETTERS[1:10])) s = t[t[,'X'] < 5, ]
> + print('outer:')
> + print(t[, 'Y'])
> + inner()
> + }
> > outer()
> And the response in the R-Console is:
> [1] "outer:"
>  [1] A B C D E F G H I J
> Levels: A B C D E F G H I J
> [1] "inner:"
> Fehler in print(s) : objekt "s" nicht gefunden (Error in print(s) : 
> object "s" not found)
> How can I make s reachable in inner?
> Regards,
> Matthias
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