On Jan 17, 2008 9:53 AM, Thompson, David (MNR)
> Hello Hadley,
> I am trying to reproduce the following with ggplot:
>     a <- seq(0, 360, 5)*pi/180 ; a
>     ac <- sin(a + (45*pi/180)) + 1 ; ac
>     plot(a, ac, type='b', xaxt = "n")
>     axis(1, at=seq(0,6,1), labels=round(seq(0,6,1)*180/pi),1)
>     abline(v=c(45*pi/180, 225*pi/180))
> I can get the basic plot:
>     p <- qplot(a, ac, geom=c('point', 'line')) ; p
> but cannot seem to add the vertical reference lines:
>     # representing NE and SW compass points
>     p + geom_vline(intercept=45*pi/180)
>     p + geom_vline(intercept=225*pi/180)
> nor find a reference to manipulating the axes labels
> (still searching the news archives though).
> Also, I would like to add additional curves to the same
> plot with the sequence 'asc' generated by:
>    s <- seq(5, 45, 10)*pi/180 ; s
>    asc <- lapply(s, function(x) x*cos(ac) + x*sin(ac)) ; asc

Try this:

df <- data.frame(s, asc)
p + geom_path(aes(x=s, y=asc), data=df)

I think Domenico answered your other questions (thanks Domenico!)



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