On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 9:20 AM, Viechtbauer Wolfgang (STAT)
<wolfgang.viechtba...@stat.unimaas.nl> wrote:
> The weights in 'aa' are the inverse standard deviations. But you want to use 
> the inverse variances as the weights:
> aa <- (attributes(summary(f1)$modelStruct$varStruct)$weights)^2
> And then the results are essentially identical.

We might now ask how we might have found Wolfgang's answer via
calculation.  Lets redo the gls calculation of variance from scratch
by iterated re-weighted least squares (just one iteration here) and
compare that to the gls aa calculated by the original poster:

# estimate beta
fm <- lm(Petal.Width ~ Species / Petal.Length, iris)

# estimate variance
v <- fitted(lm(resid(fm)^2 ~ Species, iris))
v <- v/v[1]

# compare to aa from original poster
lm(log(aa) ~ log(v))

The last line gives:

(Intercept)       log(v)
-4.212e-07   -5.000e-01

which suggsts:   aa = 1/sqrt(variance)

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